Monday, May 14, 2012

Almost Weekly Weigh-In #6



Where we were:
                    Kimberly                  Justin
4/1/12         190.2                        200.0
4/8/12         191.2                        199.2
4/15/12       189.2                        197.0
4/22/12       188.6                        195.0
4/29/12       188.2                        194.4

what we're going for:
Our Goals in Numbers
Optimum BMI - 19-25
Optimum Weight - 135
Optimum BMI - 20-25
Optimum Weight - 150

Justin's post
I'll be completely honest - I'm shocked that I lost weight over the last two weeks.  Granted, it wasn't a lot of weight, but my main goal was simply not to gain anything since I didn't expect to have many chances to exercise.  And in practice that was the case - I only exercised twice during the whole trip.  My eating my have improved in Peru since the food at the factory cafeteria was less than stellar.  But for the most part I didn't make much of an effort to lose weight during the trip.  Luckily we finished up the work we had early so I was able to come home 3 days early.  I'm sure I'll get back on track now that I'm home and have more control over my schedule.

In my last post I shared a funny experience exercising at my hotel in Peru.  My second trip to the exercise facility was also interesting.  Again I chose the treadmill, but this time I chose the manual mode and slowly increased the speed.  But then all on its own the speed shot up to 12 km/hr.  I tried to turn it down, but it would just shoot back up to 12.  I tried to run at that speed for a while, but eventually I got tired.  It turns out that the speed up button had been stuck down, so I got it unstuck and was able to run at the speed of my choice.  The perils of old equipment.

What I was proud of today
Friday was my last day in Peru.  I worked in the factory until 6 p.m. and took a taxi back to the hotel.  I quickly changed and went straight to the exercise facility since I had just enough time for a workout before I had to leave for the airport.  Take advantage of opportunities when you have them.

What I wasn't proud of today
I fully intended to use the elliptical yesterday evening, but I sat down on the couch and promptly fell asleep.

Track of the day
Cherub Rock - Smashing Pumpkins

Ok, so I went up again.  By a few tiny ounces.  I admit that without Justin around, this weight loss thing is a nightmare.  Not only do I not have his nagging er, loving encouragement right there by me every night (or at least right before our weigh-ins) but I it's also more apparent to me than ever when he's gone that I am an emotional eater.  Essentially, mr's work trips mean I'm doomed.
Ok, maybe not DOOMED.  I just need to redouble my efforts... retriple?  Requadruple?  Something like that.
Well, it's Mother's Day.  And in honor of mother's day my own mother made the most deliciously delectable family favorite desserts EVER.  So I ate them.  And in honor of mother's day, I refuse to feel guilty.  That's right.  No guilt.
Ok.  Maybe a little.
Someone want to send some motivation my way?  Because evidently embarrassing myself all over the world-wide web in a very publicly humiliating type of way just isn't enough.

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